A video of a “Christian Tiktoker” has gone viral after she claimed that masturbation is a form of witchcraft that will put a curse on a person’s family.
The video posted on TikTok has so far been viewed more than 675,000 times, and after it was posted on Twitter it quickly went viral on the social media app.
In the shortened clip, whole criticizing masturbation, the woman said;
“Masturbation is a form of witchcraft.
Not anyone is realizing that this is a demonic attack its a form of witchcraft. Masturbation is a form of control.
“You understand you are literally controlling an orgasm, you’re controlling your own pleasure, that is witchcraft.
“That is a curse that you begin to place over your own life that will then literally bleed into your future children’s life.
“This means that this will become a generational curse that you started or that your parents started that will now go to the next generation, it is witchcraft.”
The woman then began to denounce masturbation and sexual pleasure “in the name of Jesus.”
“I cancel the assignment of wet dreams. I cancel the assignment of having orgasms in my dreams.” She said
“I cancel the assignment of masturbation. I cancel the assignment of sexual immorality over my life.
“You got to bind the enemy, in the name of Jesus we break all masturbation and witchcraft off your life now.”
Sharing a snippet of the three-minute video, Twitter user, Aprilajoyr captioned the video;
“This Christian influencer says masturbation is witchcraft and creates generational curses that will “literally bleed into your future children’s life.
“I don’t miss these Pentecostal circles at all. So much needless shame.”
Social media users were quick to make their own jokes about the points raised in the clip.